“A novel that dares to find the lyrical, the luminous and the hilarious in the kind of people and places that literature often overlooks. Down arterial roads and a variety of stops and diversions, Pondweed maps out an unsentimental love story via an unconventional road movie and finds humour and enlightenment in a Britain of caravans and out-of-town aquatics dealers.”
“Guttural and visceral and notices the things usual lit does not. It spits and slings the vernacular of modern Britain at the reader, breathing new life into grease-smeared walls and door-less ovens in the arse-end of Stoke, or other bits of this island literature likes to ignore. I find myself reading her lines out loud, they trip off the tongue like a John Cooper Clarke verse.”
“Lisa Blower takes us on a mysterious quest along the dual carriageways and B roads of the West Midlands. Her great talent is to make compelling characters of normal people, and show us all the strangeness they contain.”
“It’s raw and visceral with such a strong voice, very alive.”